We're Cayce & Devon - The couple behind C A V I N!

We are high school sweethearts spending our days loving Jesus & raising our 2 under 2 babies on a horse ranch in the heart of Tennessee.

Why C A V I N?

Well... we are real people, just like you, that both work full time, are usually running on little sleep, and with a farm and 2 babies... our wardrobe was the last on our priority list. When we evaluated our closets we realized we had over-used athleisure, ranch must-haves, and business fits. We lacked quality go-to pieces in our closet that took us from weekend to weekend & didn't overextend our budget.

So, C A V I N was created.

Minimalistic apparel for Men & Women.

Our Motto? Leave People Better than the way we found them.

You'll see our motto on our pieces, packaging, and more because through and through that's our heart. Kindness is cool & simply put... if you aren't spreading the love, you're doing it wrong, Friend!

We hope you love what you see here and we'd love to hear from you! Follow us on socials @shop.cavin and let us know how you like C A V I N and any suggestions too!

Be Blessed & Leave Someone Better today!

Your Friends,

Cayce & Devon